
Chris Wüthrich (PI) is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Geneva. Christian’s philosophical interests most prominently include foundational issues in physics, particularly in classical general relativity and quantum gravity. Of course, he also gets excited about the implications of philosophy of physics for general philosophy of science and metaphysics. More specifically, he enjoys thinking about issues such as space and time, persistence, laws of nature, determinism, and causation. Visit Chris’ website for more information.

Charlotte Erika Zito is a PhD student at the University of Geneva. Her research focuses on the challenges offered by the quantum measurement problem in the cosmological context, that she tackles by taking into consideration different theories of Quantum Gravity. Before coming to Geneva she obtained her MA in Philosophy from Università della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano) and from Università degli Studi of Milan. Her main interests lie at the intersection between metaphysics and philosophy of physics.

Marta Pedroni is a PhD student at the University of Geneva. Before that, she obtained her MA in Philosophy at USI (Lugano) with a thesis on spacetime emergence in Loop Quantum Gravity. During her PhD, she will work on Subproject C, focusing on the fate and role of spacetime singularities in theories of quantum gravity. In addition to her interests in Philosophy of Physics, she greatly enjoys dealing with Metaphysics and issues at the intersection of these two fields.

Niels Linnemann works on issues of theory construction, the philosophy and foundations of spacetime and on the metaphysics of laws. Within his PhD project at the University of Geneva — supervised by Christian Wüthrich — he inquired into the basic strategies and conceptual obstacles for formulating a theory of quantum gravity. He was subsequently Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the University of Bremen as well as a postdoctoral fellow at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy in London, Ontario. Linnemann is an associated young academic fellow at the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg. Together with Kian Salimkhani, Niels Linnemann has been promoting philosophy of physics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland through formats such as the weekend seminar and the quarterly lectures. Visit Niels’ website for more information.

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